What Front-End Development requires

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Learning HTML, CSS, and JavaScript: Front end developers must have a strong understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript in order to be able to create and style web pages.

Staying organized and efficient: Front end developers need to be able to stay organized and efficient in order to create websites that load quickly and are easy to navigate.

Troubleshooting errors: Front end developers need to be able to troubleshoot errors that may occur when creating or updating websites.

After HTML, CSS and JavaScript people think they are done with Front end development but there is more like next one should have to learn Bootstrap(Frontend Frame Work). Its Mobile First Responsive Framework To MAKE your website responsive for all devices.

Now Frontend is finished hmmm.. one can say that but not now here comes the last thing you need to learn is React(JS-library) or Vue JS(JS-library) they comes in handy to Build Single Pages Applications and Websites.